Can I make changes to my booking?
You can make changes to your booking up to 48 hours before your scheduled pick-up time. To amend your booking, please contact our 24 hour support team so they can assist you.
How can I cancel my booking?
You can cancel your booking via email or can contact us on the number mentioned below.
What if my flight is delayed or cancelled?
Your flight will be monitored for delays to ensure your driver will be waiting for you at the correct time. If your flight is delayed, your reservation will be automatically updated. Please note that the update to the new arrival time is subject to availability.
My flight details have changed, do I need to inform you?
Yes, please submit your new flight schedule as soon as possible via email or phone. If your pick-up time is within 24 hours, please call the local emergency phone number provided in your confirmation email.
Where is the meeting point at the airport?
At most destinations, the driver will be waiting in the airport's arrivals lounge, holding a sign showing the passenger name. We will confirm the exact meeting point information in the reservation confirmation email.
What is the size of a Medium and Small suitcase?
The average height of medium luggage is approximately 76cm / 30 inches and the width of around 45cm / 18 inches. Small baggage can be a maximum size of roughly 43cm / 17 inches and a width of approximately 30cm / 12 inches. If you have large or oversized luggage, please specify the dimensions in the special instructions field of the booking form.
Do you provide child seats?
Child and baby seats are available on request. You can request child and baby seats in the Extras section of the booking page.
Will I be sharing the vehicle with other passengers?
For private transfers, you and your group will be the sole occupants of the vehicle. For shuttle transfers, you will share the car with other passengers.
What is a Shared Shuttle transfer?
A shuttle transfer entails waiting for other passengers and making stops at additional locations. Occasionally, the transfer will be collecting passengers from two or more flights. Waiting times are kept to a minimum, but shuttle transfers take longer than private transfers, which is reflected in the price difference. All collection times are given as an approximate guideline and are not always accurate due to the nature of shuttle transfers.
Does the airport transfer take us directly to our hotel?
The private transfer service takes you directly to your accommodation. The shared shuttle service will take you to your accommodation or the nearest pick-up/drop-off point to your accommodation.